sábado, 12 de julio de 2008


Now that you've become expert Entrepreneurs, you can run your own company at Disney's Hotshotbusiness. Try one of the six options to earn your first virtual million!

Take a shot at sucess!

Complete this journal after you have played for at least 12 virtual weeks


Today we launched our _________ company under the name of ________________.
Our first measure was to create _________________ stations to meet customers’ demands. However, after a while we found out that __________________ was unprofitable and we decided to drop it.
Our customers were mainly interested in ______________.
We promoted our services through ___________________
Then, we found out that our prices were _____________ so we_________________.
So far, we’ve attained _______________, but we think that next time we will have to______________.
That’s all by now,
Good luck!

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